How to join the SAA Big Book Study Intergroup

The only requirement for group membership in the SAA Big Book Study Intergroup is for a group to confirm its desire as expressed in their Group Conscience to respect and follow the “Guiding Principles of the SAA Big Book Study Intergroup” in its meetings.

Therefore, joining the Intergroup is a matter of confirming the group’s desire to adhere to the Guiding Principles.

  1. Please download the document titled “Guiding Principles of the SAA Big Book Study Intergroup” from the Intergroup’s (clickable link) Information Page.
  2. Review the Guiding Principles in your group’s Group Conscious meeting and agree that the group does now conduct or will strive to conduct its meetings in a manner that is consistent with the Guiding Principles.
  3. If your group agrees, send an email using the contact form on our (clickable link) page (or this email address stating that your group
    1. has read and discussed the Guiding Principles,
    2. that it does now or wishes to honor the Guiding Principles in its meetings, mainly:
      1. that its published meetings are one of the five types that are described in the Guiding Principles,
      2. that during meetings, it seeks to avoid references to other literature and materials, and
      3. that it strives to keep outside issues out of its published meetings,
    3. and that wishes to join the Intergroup.
    4. Includes contact information for its Intergroup Rep—both email and phone—and the instructions for joining the group’s meeting(s).
  4. Upon receipt of its email with the information requested, the Intergroup will do these things:
    1. the Intergroup chairperson will see that a motion to approve the group’s request is added to the agenda for the next Intergroup meeting.
    2. after the vote is held, if affirmative, the group will be a full member of the Intergroup and the group’s representative will be a voting member of the Intergroup.

The Intergroup’s primary concern is for the still suffering sex addict who sees a Group’s membership in the Intergroup as evidence of the Group’s commitment to the attitudes and principles for studying and using the AA Big Book for recovery from sex addiction.